So, I see that the Futurist Organization predicts that a Cloak of Invisibility, something like Harry Potter's, is within the realm of possibility. I would like to place my order for a cummerbund - it's OK, I can wait for the laugh.
Yesterday, one of my best friends told me that he didn't like the title of my blog. It reminded him of some sort of noxious bodily function. COOL! Now, if I could just get 2 or 3 more friends or family members to agree with him, I will know that I'm on to a good thing. What do you think?
Travel is also on my mind today. Friends are returning from warm places with tales of fun and sun and I wonder what it would be like to live in that kind of climate. Would we get bored with it, would we simply take it for granted, would we ever think about the people who live in cooler climes? The technology certainly exists so that most of us could conduct our business from anywhere in the world. What prevents us from doing so? An accident of birth has placed most of us geographically in a particular region and do we just become comfortable and familiar and choose not to change? I know it is a choice we make and we have but to change our minds in order to change our worlds.
In some parts of this world, most of them quite warm, by the way, it probably doesn't look much like choice. My thoughts wander to many places in Africa, in particular, as we continue to hear about the tragedies that occur on a daily basis. It seems that we here in the West, should be able to do more, in a real way, to help. I am in awe of people like Bill Gates, who have combined their own resources with those of some very high powered friends like Warren Buffet and others, to try and make a difference. I hope that they, and we, can have the patience to let this help take effect. I suspect that it will take more than cheque books to make a long term difference, however. I believe that access to education is the single most important way that the third world can eventually change its status. I'm reading a tremendous book at the moment called, Me to We and will comment on it when I've finished, but the two young authors have made incredible inroads into solving some key issues through their Free the Children organization. You can find more information at
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