Surely, you must be noxious, or nauseous (take your choice, you might have an odour problem), from my sachrinistic blogging of the past two days. Where's the acerbic wit, where's the bluster, where's the bombast, where's the passion (alive & well, regardless of the topic), where's the promised irreverence, where should we point the pencil today?
Since no one cut me off on the way home last night, I can't title this column "Neanderthals with Hummers." But, sooner or later, I will.
Today kids, I'm thinking about evolution. I know that certain sections of the populace refuse to accept the inevitability of evolution but they will catch up sooner or later. I suspect that our physical bodies are evolving as evidenced by the fact that we are now able to survive quite nicely without certain organs like the gall bladder and how many have had their appendix removed? Mother nature ain't no fool - if these were critical to survival today, we wouldn't be able to continue without them. They were critical at some stage, or they would never have existed.
I'm thinking that the next step in evolution will manifest in our ability to use more of our minds. You would probably agree with the old saying that we only use about 10% of our brain's ability. You would probably also agree that there are those among us who seem to have insights, intuition, instinct and intelligence that rise a little beyond the norm. I've chosen words with the prefix "in" because I simply think that we will move inwards to find the next level of growth or evolution. We joke about having "spidey senses" but who hasn't noticed something amiss, had a "feeling," watched a sports hero operate on "instinct," or heard the stories of people who decided not to get on a certain airplane, take the usual route home, and on and on. As newborns, we operate purely on these instincts and feelings and then the parents, teachers and other well-meaning caregivers grind it out of us as they dismiss our ability to sense things. I know more and more parents who are now honouring their child's ability to "see" things that don't have hard evidence attached. By the way, animals have been doing that forever but they don't have parents who demand "proof." It might be interesting today if we were aware of when we operate out of instinct and when we deny that instinct. Perhaps we could all imagine these little antennae sticking out of our heads like "My Favorite Martian" and tune up our own evolutionary sensors. Where do we see it operating in our children and grandchildren? Has anyone else ever "sensed" a radar trap and been right?
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