March 21, 2008


"a life well lived has more to do with quality than quantity"

When you can count customers, employees, neighbours and family among your friends, then life is a success. Wayne can count these and many more in that category. He is a man rich in experience, common sense, loyalty, appreciation, honesty, generosity, humour, intelligence, courage and love who uses his quiet nature to build a family business by insisting on doing the right thing, rather than the expedient thing. Quality always comes before quantity when Wayne decides on what course to follow as he makes both personal and business decisions. His sense of integrity provides a beacon that shows the rest of us that the path that leads to accomplishment, must occasionally be tested by making choices for the greater good, rather than our own. He often sacrifices his love of golf for the feel of a power drill and always stays until the job is done.

A cigar in one hand and a Callaway in the other, he approaches his ball like he approaches everything else, with a keen eye, a steely focus and a smooth swing. One of life's joys is to share a cart with Wayne and watch the smile light up his face when he drives the ball straight down the fairway and can smell a birdie putt coming up. He is quick to share that joy when his partner or opponent manages to hit the ball with any kind of success. The pat on the back is expressed with a heartfelt "atta boy" and a genuine warmth that can be felt long after the game ends. His ability to laugh at an errant shot, whether his or someone else in the foursome, makes Wayne the ideal person to spend a few hours enjoying the fresh air, the mountains and the blue sky with. Never shy to order another beer and pick up more than his share of tabs, his fun is shared with family and friends in an atmosphere of genuine kindheartedness that is the hallmark of his life.

My friend, you continue to make a big difference in the lives of everyone who knows you. I hope that the peace that comes from knowing love and joy will be with you this Easter weekend. Here's to you Wayne, a clink of glasses and a drag on a good Cuban cigar and my wish for one more round on the links with one of life's gentle men.

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