February 13, 2009


I just had an interesting conversation with a friend this morning about something he had just recently posted on Facebook. He had been "tweaked" by another friend and apparently this required him to enter 25 things about himself that would reveal who he is. Needless to say, he found this very insightful, challenging and thought provoking. The process itself causes a person to think about their own life philosophy and what they believe in, what they want, where they have been and in addition, forces a person to set some priorities about their own personal action plan. We talked about the importance of actually writing these things down rather than just thinking about them - it adds a dimension of reality that only the physical act of writing can accomplish.

It takes a certain discipline and commitment to one's own life to follow through and consider and create their own philosophy and belief system. Writer's do this everyday as they continue to explore their own worlds to find the "meaning of life." Other artists are similar as they paint, act and speak from their own inner selves and consequently get in touch with an element too often ignored. I'm not so sure about revealing all in a Facebook or Blog posting, since it becomes part of a permanent digital record which can be misconstrued and taken out of context. I like the idea of handwriting it in a journal which allows a person to change, expand and be open to new thoughts without being hung out to dry by some youthful indiscretion.

Anyway, not wanting to get too "preachy" today but this seems like a worthwhile project for all of us to discover the who's, what's and why's of our own being. I'm currently about half way through a life changing program of changing old eating patterns and seeing in a very real sense, the absolute connection between our bodies and minds and the importance of journaling in that effort.

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