If you read my post from yesterday, I'm sure that you may have the idea that I intend to comment on various political situations, in which case you have applied a "label" to this space. Wrong!! And just when you thought you could go back in the water.....
Well kiddies, today we are going to talk about resolutions - yes, New Year's Resolutions. We've been doing them in our house for about 15 years and I never cease to be amazed at the experience. We actually write them down and each keep a binder with our plans inside. We categorize them according to major areas of our lives like health, money, travel, career, relationships, education and often other major and minor areas of interest. The most interesting part of the process is reading over some of last year's plans. I usually forget many of them and when I check a year later, the amazement comes with realizing how many of the resolutions have come to pass (except for the fitness ones, of course).
I am a strong believer in the Law of Attraction and absolutely know that it works all of the time whether we consciously want it to, or not. If you are unfamiliar with it, simply stated it is, "What we focus on, we create." In other words, if we focus on debts, guess what we get. If we focus on sickness or disease, guess what we get. If we turn those thoughts to abundance or flexible joints or joyfulness or, you get it, something that we really wish to expand in our lives, guess what we get. The actual practice can be a little trickier than the definition but much has been written on the topic and you might like to Google, Louise Hay or Catherine Ponder for a more complete look at the Law.
In any case, I find as I age, that my desires turn from things that I want, to attitudes, experiences and feelings. Peace, comfort and joy are becoming more than seasonal wishes, but it is the season for me to wish them for you.
May everything that you desire come true in 2008.
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